‘Oz Comic-Con’ —Melbourne, June 2018

‘Oz Comic-Con’ was held 9–10 June, 2018 in Melbourne at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.


Studying SuperheroesIt was a pleasure to participate as a speaker on the community stage, together with superhero experts from the Cinema and Screen Studies programme at Swinburne University of Technology. Thanks to Dr Liam Burke for organising two engaging panels: “Studying Superheroes” on day one, and “Adapting Comics the ‘Marvel’ Way” on day two.


Day One

Studying Superheroes: Unmask Comic Book Heroes and Villains
Balanzategui, Ndalianis, Golding, Burke
Dr Jessica Balanzategui, Prof Angela Ndalianis, Dr Dan Golding, and Dr Liam Burke

“You’re invited to a masterclass on comic book superheroes with superhero scholars and comic book experts from Swinburne University of Technology. Drawing on interviews with stars, comic creators, and convention attendees Dr Liam Burke opens this superpowered panel by examining what makes a hero “super”. From the earliest animated Superman serial to Batman V Superman Dr Dan Golding chronicles the changing music of superhero movies. Professor Angela Ndalianis uncovers the changing demographics of superhero fandom, with a particular focus on female comics readership. Dr Jessica Balanzategui explores how heroes and villains are depicted in comic books and the changes necessary to adapt these iconic characters for the screen. Through eye-catching presentations and exciting examples we’ll discuss everything you ever wanted to know about superheroes.”

Day Two

How the Adapt Comics the”Marvel” Way
Lomax, Later, Burke
Tara Lomax, Dr Naja Later, and Dr Liam Burke

“In this Marvel-ous masterclass superhero experts will chart how Marvel went from a bankrupt publisher in the 1990s to dominating popular culture today. Comic book academic Dr Liam Burke will open the panel by exploring how Marvel used its publishing strategies to take over Hollywood through shared universes and a celebration of fan culture. Burke will also reveal how Marvel’s unique art style has translated to cinema, changing the look of modern movies. Dr Naja Later examines the subversive reshaping of Captain America across comics and cinema in different political climates. Tara Lomax unravels superhero law and its impact on the production of Spider-Man: Homecoming. So whether you’re a long-time comic reader or recent fan of the movies, do not miss this blockbusting panel.”





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